People who are interested in audio editing, know very well how to remove background noise in Audacity. But if you are new to the audio editing software, here are simple tips on how to do it. You will also learn that this great audio editing and recording software can do so much more for you than just tweaking your audio. Here's what you need to know about it.


The first step on how to remove background noise in audacity is to go to the main menu and choose Properties. In the text box that scrolls down, there are different tabbed options for each file type that you have with this program. It may vary from file type to file type, but the general tabbed options are Properties, Options, Clipboard and other tools. If you want to go to one particular tab, you just need to double click on it.


The next step on how to remove background noise in Audacity is to find the Noise Reduction option. Click this first, and it will take you to a window where you will be able to see the current level of noise reduction. The number here is what will indicate how much background sounds like your recorded audio files. You can choose to increase or decrease the noise reduction level, according to how severe the noise on your audio files is. If you want to make the audio quieter, start with the lowest number. If you want to make it more audible, start increasing the number.

How to Remove Background Noise in Adobe After Effects CS5


The third step on how to remove background noise in Audacity is to go to the Effects menu and click on the new icon with a plus sign next to it. The new icon is called Noise Reduction. The one that we want to change the setting of is the Noise Reduction. This will give us a good chance to create our custom noise reduction profile. It is recommended to use the noise reduction profile as the base for further adjustments and customization, but here we will just do some adjustments in order to improve our audio file.


Let us proceed to the Effects Menu and click on the new icon with a plus sign and choose the Noise Reduction option. When it is time for us to make our first noise reduction change, go to the General tab of the Effects Menu and click on the little circle near the top left corner of the Audio Mixer. It will open a little panel that has four handles. You can choose from selecting which sounds to place in this panel, to copy/paste the sounds from the clipboard, to create a new input. To change the name of the panel, just click on the word "Panel".


Let us proceed to the Effects menu again and click on the little square with a plus sign in the upper right corner of the Audio Mixer to open the Noise Removal panel. Here you will find a number of options such as C Noise, Oingo, Black Page, Eight-voice Equalizer, G Wave, Waveless and mono noise. Now select all the options that are suitable to your needs and click on the OK button to apply the changes. If you need to adjust any sound, just go to the insert button and change the level of the noise by pressing the Control key while holding down the Control key and clicking on the little square in the lower right corner of the mixer. You will now have different levels of background noise reduction in the program.


If you like the way the sound is processed when you use the noise reduction feature of the Audacity, you can also experiment with the compressor feature. Let us suppose that you want to increase the volume of some audio tracks. Select the Track mixer from the main mixer window and go to the Compressor tab. Select the levels option and increase the levels if you think that they are already too high. Go to the effects menu and click on the compressors option to process the tracks.


The last step to learn how to remove background noise in Audacity is to use some common sense. If something doesn't make sense to you, chances are that it doesn't make sense to the human ear either. If you need to make a mix of tracks that have background noise, just delete the background noise using the Waves plugin. If you want to make a mix of tracks that do not have background noise, then use the Noise Removal tool from the Filter menu. When you are done processing your track, go to the Effects menu and enable the compressor effect and the noise will be gone!

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